Weight Loss Made Simple

Weight Loss Made Simple

I am going to over simplify everything in weight loss. I am also going to warn that I do not recommend simple sugars or processed foods, but this approach has worked time and time again regardless of what is eaten. The method: Burn more than is eaten. Yes, it is that...
Active Recovery

Active Recovery

Bird Dog Variation      “Lift to show, recover to grow.” This is one of those sayings that get thrown around a lot in gyms and fitness facilities. The good news is that it is great advice, the bad news is that many of those who say this...
Goal Setting Part 3: Get Help

Goal Setting Part 3: Get Help

“Leaders don’t create followers; they create more leaders.” – Tom Peters Last week we covered how motivation comes in many forms. Getting help from an experienced professional can build on that dedication and motivation. When I started going to the gym, one of...
Goal Setting Part 2: Stay Motivated

Goal Setting Part 2: Stay Motivated

One of the main factors of goal progression is motivation. Motivation is what gets the ball rolling and keeps the snowball effect going. On the days I didn’t feel like training, I would watch or listen to clips of Arnold, while my preworkout kicked in, to get me...
Goal Setting Part 1: Plan for Success

Goal Setting Part 1: Plan for Success

Many things in life are made to be cherished and appreciated. Some are made to be enjoyed for a short time like a nice meal with friends or an exotic vacation; some are made to last forever like a magnificent idea or a sturdy kettlebell.  Others are made for the...
Paying for Pleasure

Paying for Pleasure

Pleasure can be a very finicky part of life. Not enough and life sucks; too much and it loses itself and becomes mundane. If balanced properly, it makes life worth living. I had a conversation with a client this morning about the pleasure of good food and the pleasure...